Cash flow

31 January 2016

Wealth Changing Hand

Boom, Doom, Gloom & Africa

"Africa´s Boom is Over", pronounced an article in on New Year´s eve. One of the conclusions: "Without the commodities boom, the actual failure of Africa’s development has now been laid bare". The gloom echoes recent forecasts by the IMF, notably its Regional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa 2015, released last October. An often-used conceit, just as in the IMF´s WEO released the same month, is that of "headwinds" that Africa encounters as raw material prices have crashed and large emerging economies are slowing down. Africa counts 10 net oil exporters and 15 net nonrenewable exporters among its 54 countries. While these 29 countries do not constitute a majority of Africa in terms of country numbers, they command a large majority of Africa´s GDP and population.

While the winds of change connected to the slowdown in the majority of emerging countries (with the notable exception of India) may well imply considerable headwinds, the rebalancing of China in particular may also provide backwinds for Africa. China´s reforms aim at rebalancing the composition of growth in China toward consumption and away from investment. Such reforms are compatible with a rise of the real exchange rate (higher prices for nontraded services relative to tradable manufactures), of inflation-adjusted wages and of the level of domestic absorption in China. Such a process may affect Africa in several ways:

·         The price of energy and industrial commodities drops as a result of both the slowdown and the rebalancing. The biggest winners are those countries with either large energy import needs or relatively fewer commodity exports, such as Kenya and Tanzania (where the fuel share of imports exceeds 25%), and to a lesser extent Ethiopia and Mozambique. Africa’s centre of economic gravity is thus likely to shift from west to east, to the less commodity-dependent economies of Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda. Investment finance will follow this shift, reinforced by the peripheral outreach of China´s One Belt One Road initiative that includes East Africa for infrastructure finance[i].
·         Prices for soft commodities should be supported by China´s rebalancing as coffee, tea and protein-based (soya, for example) are consumed and imported more than before. However, the supply elasticity of soft commodities is higher than for exhaustible resources, so the price impact should be contained. Still, higher export volumes (at stable prices) will translate into higher export proceeds and government revenue in African soft-commodity producers.
·         To the extent that rising wages in China lead to higher labour unit cost, external competitiveness in low-end manufactures will be eroded. With incentives for some industries to move offshore, part of this relocation will involve sub-Saharan Africa (such as to the East African  garment-production). China could expand its current presence in sub-Saharan Africa’s pilot special economic zones, or encourage creation of new ones. The relocation of Chinese firms into Africa should lead to increases in factor productivity and shifts in global trade shares from China to Africa. Thus, all of Africa might experience positive effects as countries in the region are able to build domestic industries based on China relocating a portion of its manufacturing base permanently to the region. 

To be sure, the relocation process takes time, and it takes longer for the gains to be realized than the immediate income losses suffered by commodity exporters. But it´s not all doom and gloom in Africa.

[i] China’s new Silk Road Fund is an acknowledgement of this. It seeks to facilitate trade links with a number of frontier and emerging markets through a USD 40 billion infrastructure investment fund. In Africa, the fund is targeting the economies along the eastern seaboard, which suggests a shift away from China’s traditional focus on securing natural resources towards one more focused on exploring the opportunities for establishing a manufacturing hub in the region.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ronke Tiamuyi sizzles in her underwear in sexy pics with Ice Prince

Looks like the beauty queen and the rapper are shooting something sexy for Valentine...

30 January 2016

Wealth secret

3 ways to wealth secrets that worked
The law of attraction sounds simple. Think positive thoughts and good things will happen. This particular wealth secret almost sounds too simple, doesn’t it? But in the real world, rainbow dreams and sunny quotations just aren’t enough to manifest wealth beyond reason.
Here are 3 ways to create the wealth mentality you need for the abundance you deserve.
Hone Your Mind
The occasional “I want to be a money magnet” is not enough to build the wealth beyond reason you’re looking for. Don’t get sucked into thinking that haphazard positive thoughts, conjured up only when you remember to do it, are going to foster a wealth mentality.
If you want to create wealth behind reason, you’ll need to focus your mind consistently.
Whether you use wealth affirmations, visualizations, or meditation, mark your schedule and do it every single day.
If your day is super-packed with jobs, kids, and other responsibilities, you may need to get creative with your focus time.
Try this wealth secret: Take a few extra minutes in the bathroom. Adding just 3 or 4 minutes to a bathroom break can give you extra time to focus in a place where the kids aren’t as likely to bother you.
Find Friends
Everyone needs a pal, especially if you’re building wealth beyond reason. Using the law of attraction can cause family and friends to put you in the same category as your crazy Aunt Mae who has a dozen cats. Their negative energy can trigger doubts in your own abilities to use the any wealth secret that can build the ideal lifestyle.
Get the support you need to maintain a wealth mentality by finding people interested in learning how to use the law of attraction. Building a support system can be as simple as finding a sympathetic sibling. If no one fits the bill, join a local networking group or attend wealth building seminars.
Grab Opportunities
Fear tends to lock people into a poverty mentality. We’re afraid to take risks or open our eyes to the unconventional opportunities that create wealth beyond reason, put long-dormant skills into action.
For instance, remember how much you loved that landscaping job you had during senior year? Or maybe college art teachers swore you had a gift, but you haven’t touched a paint brush in years? Even if that skill doesn’t make you a millionaire, the excitement and energy of rediscovery can go a long way toward creating a successful wealth mentality.
Work on cultivating these three areas and you will learn to create a wealth mentality that will help you achieve the abundance you desire.